Writers Todd Moore and Mera Wolf Read at Acequia Booksellers
February 24th - 3 pm
Poets Todd Moore and Mera Wolf will be reading from their new work at Acequia Booksellers on Sunday February 24 at 3pm. Acequia Booksellers is located at 4019 4th St. NW in Albuquerque.
Todd Moore is best known for his long poem DILLINGER. Since 1970 he has written and published more than a hundred books and chapbooks and his poetry has appeared in more than a thousand literary journals and magazines. He is one of the founders of the Outlaw Poetry Movement. He will be reading from his recent chapbooks Restless and Tell the Corpse a Story. Both books deal with the Dillinger mythos.
Mera Wolf, when recently asked by a young woman to describe her profession, responded, "I'm a cosmologist." "That's just wonderful," replied the young woman, "Do you also do nails?" After 35 years of learning, volunteering, working, child-raising, writing, and teaching, Wolf earned her Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico in 2002. Currently, while still juggling all six activities, she is writing a novel in serial form, and completing a screenplay. Mera Wolf is the author of two chapbooks, May Day and Lost Things. This reading is free and the public is invited
Acequia Booksellers
4019 4th St. NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107
A Gerald Locklin Bio

Gerald Locklin is now a Lecturer in the Master of Professional Writing Program at the University of Southern California and a Professor Emeritus of English at California State University, Long Beach, where he taught from 1965 through 2007. He is the author of over 125 books and chapbooks or poetry, fiction, and criticism, with over 3000 poems, stories, articles, reviews, and interviews published in periodicals. His most recent books and chapbooks include The Cezanne/Pissarro Poems and the forthcoming Gerald Locklin: New and Selected Poems, from World Parade Books; New Orleans, Chicago, and Points Elsewhere, from R)v Press; Wedlock Sunday and Other Poems (Liquid Paper Press/Nerve Cowboy Magazine); The Hotel Ristorante (Bottle of Smoke Press) and The San Antonio, Savannah, and Daytona Beach Poems (Pitchfork Press). His full-length books from Water Row Press include Candy Bars: Selected Stories; The Life Force Poems; Go West, Young Toad: Selected Writings; The Pocket Book: A Novella and Nineteen Short Fictions; and Charles Bukowski: A Sure Bet. An Italian edition of his novel Down and Out (Event Horizon Press) has been published by Leconte Publishers in Rome as Piu Morto che Vivo, as well as Charles Bukowski: A Botte Sicuro. Other titles from EH include The Firebird Poems; Three Mid-Century Tales; Hemingway Colloquium: The Poet Goes to Cuba; and The First Time He Saw Paris (in Two Novellas, with Donna Hilbert). A series of annual dos-a-dos jazz chapbooks, with Mark Weber, are available from Zerx Press (Albuquerque, NM), most recently Thank You, Dave: A Brubeck Tribute. His writings are archived and indexed by the Special Collections of the CSULB library. Many early and rare works are available from Water Row Books, amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, borders.com, and on eBay and other sites. He has resumed (with his son, Zachary Locklin) co-editing the poetry for the Chiron Review and will serve as fiction editor of Shaya magazine. He is listed in the usual literary directories. He publishes regularly in 5:00 AM, Ambit (London), Tears in the Fence (Dorset), Poetry International, New York Quarterly, Nerve Cowboy,
Slipstream, Freefall, Coagula Art Journal, and many other periodicals. He is available for readings, workshops, festivals (fees negotiable). A website and occasional blog are in progress at www.geraldlocklin.com. See also www.rvpress.net and www.worldparadebooks.com
Labels: poet bio