New Book : Plain Old Boogie Long Division
New book now available !

"Plain Old Boogie Long Division "
Mark Weber
73 Poems and one long prose boogie disquisition
A whole 144 pages in all

"Plain Old Boogie Long Division "
Mark Weber
73 Poems and one long prose boogie disquisition
A whole 144 pages in all
"Mark Weber has the authenticity of a born-in, lived-in poetic soma. His poetry will cause you to percieve the sublime in the ordinary and put you in contact with the ordinary common humanity in the sublime " - Connie Cruthers
... no, mark weber still thinks chap books are the best forum for poems even tho, he has this new book on BURNING BOOKS PRESS.
Get your copy today !
Special price $12 ppd from ZERX PRESS
And /or from BURNING BOOKS PRESS , PO Box 2638, Santa Fe, NM 87504 /email:
Special price $12 ppd from ZERX PRESS
And /or from BURNING BOOKS PRESS , PO Box 2638, Santa Fe, NM 87504 /email:
the world is just
too much
for some of us
coming on strong
we grip the teeth
of this monster
pulling ourselves
of it's throat
it's gullet churning
and sucking
at our toes
[ an excerpt from " plain old boogie long division"/ Mark Weber]
the world is just
too much
for some of us
coming on strong
we grip the teeth
of this monster
pulling ourselves
of it's throat
it's gullet churning
and sucking
at our toes
[ an excerpt from " plain old boogie long division"/ Mark Weber]